Did you really DIY if you don’t take a picture leaning on it?
I’m cheezin’ so hard here because I’m REALLY proud of myself. I searched high and low for some decent plans that explained how to pull this off...I found nothing.
It was important to me that this hood was installed properly and WORKED. I love to cook so my old microwave range hood was not cutting it. I did a lot of research on safe ducting, load support, and even drywall installation...and here it is! My vision has become a reality!
I still have to finish the drywall corners, prime, and paint. After that I will be adding my white oak edge trim along the bottom and this hood will be DONE!
Cost breakdown:
Hood Insert $350
Sheet of drywall $11
Drywall corner $4
Drywall screws $5
Ducting $15
Lumber $25
$410 bucks!
#rangehood #DIY #diyrangehood #hoodinsert #kitchenremodel #kitchenclub #oneroomchallenge #cooking #functionaldesign #diyafterdark #progresspicture #houseflipping #dreamkitchen